Knapheide Landscape Bodies

Knapheide Landscape Truck Body: Material Qualities for Landscape Businesses

Looking for durable landscape equipment in the Greater Reading area perhaps explains your own situation as a busy landscaper. One thing about landscape equipment is it always takes a beating and needs quality materials to last.

Attached truck bodies for your landscaping, lawn care, or tree care business requires a lot of time researching on what brands are best. At the moment, three business questions likely surround you:

You can never go wrong with Knapheide, one of the best landscape bodies for trucks in America today. Let us explain why and where to acquire this body for your business trucks.

Why is Knapheide Considered so Great?

If that name above sounds familiar, it is probably because you heard it mentioned more than once over several generations. Knapheide goes back to 1848, believe it or not.
What makes them so special is they offer optimized truck body features beyond what their competitors bring. This includes equipment that helps you transfer, dump, and distribute bulk materials with ease.
Dump bodies from Knapheide are known for being unique with a recent redesign by the company. Features they offer will amaze you at their innovation and in making tough landscaping jobs far more efficient than they ever have been.
Construction, landscaping, lawn care, nursery and masonry companies all use these, giving you strong incentive to check out what kind of features Knapheide offers.

What Are the Features on Knapheide's Dump Bodies?

You can find some key things on their dump bodies not typically available anywhere else. A few worth mentioning:

Having a versatile tailgate is likely something you need after experiencing less sturdy ones while loading heavy landscaping equipment. While loading or unloading your equipment, you want something to make the process easier to avoid accidents.

The same goes with lever release when dumping debris, or when unloading something like bark dust or fertilizer. Knapheide’s technology allows you to make this aspect of your job so much faster when time is of the essence.

Corrosion resistance is also important when you work in climates where rain is always a problem. Your trucks may take a soaking in such weather situations. At least you never have to worry about the truck body rusting. Knapheide manages to achieve this through their 12-step, electrodeposition prime paint system.

Where Can You Buy a Knapheide Landscape Body?

We can get your landscape body installed here in our shop. Whether you are in Greater Reading, or in other Pennsylvania counties, we are always here to get your Knapheide body attached.

Any of you with landscaping businesses from Boyertown to King of Prussia can get a Knapheide body installed quickly and efficiently. This means we service and install everything we sell. You can count on a warranty as a result, something many of our competitors seldom offer.

Thanks to Knapheide and other quality brands using aluminum and steel in their truck bodies, you can count on these lasting for the lifetime of your work trucks. The only question is what kind of truck body do you really need to keep your business running optimally?

One thing about Knapheide is they offer further solutions beyond those mentioned above.

Other Knapheide Truck Body Qualities You Should Know

While Knapheide uses aluminum and steel in their truck bodies, the equipment still feels lightweight without skimping on quality. When traveling long-distances, this takes a huge literal weight off your trucks, especially while using these things at your work site.

Customization is also possible through our shop. Using Knapheide parts, we help you go beyond tailgates and quick-release levers and into durable dump bodies. You can also acquire platform bodies, dump inserts, and crane bodies.

Whether you need custom machining and fabricating, or prototyping, we can do it for your landscaping business through our continual strong association with Knapheide.

Call us at 610-944-7455 to request a quote.

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